Why confidence is skIN

If you missed my recent blog post featuring Biossancea brand that embraces natural and effective skincare products to achieve happy and healthy skin, go check it out! As part of my collaboration with Biossance, I was challenged to further embrace the skin I'm in by sharing why confidence is skIN along with a no makeup selfie.

I'll be the first to admit, I'm a lady that wears makeup on the daily. It's not necessarily a crutch and I don't wear a ton of makeup, but nevertheless it does make me feel more confident. But why is that? Why does adding an extra layer of foundation or a few extra coats of mascara the key to making you feel more beautiful? The truth is, it shouldn't. Confidence is embracing your flaws, your individuality and what makes you, you. 

I've decided to share a list of the 10 things in my life that make me feel confident in this skin I'm so thankful to be in. 

1. I'm confident because I'm a woman.

2. I'm confident because I'm a creative GIRLBOSS.

3. I'm confident because I moved to a new city alone and made my life MY OWN.

4. I'm confident because of the people I choose to surround myself with.

5. I'm confident because I believe in community over competition.

6. I'm confident because I view my weaknesses as growth and goals as opportunities. 

7. I'm confident because I have creative outlets that let me share my creativity, thoughts and feelings.

8. I'm confident because I am trying to learn more about the products I'm using/consuming and which ones will keep me healthy and happy.

9. I'm confident because I have the ability and right to choose how I wish to feel and act every single day.

10. I'm confident because no one else is me and in the skin I'm in.

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