WOMEN ARE MAGIC | Whitney Samora

Whitney Samora

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Creative Instagram | Personal Instagram

1. Tell me a little bit about you, who is Whitney outside of work?

Outside of work I love running errands, visiting family (masked up and socially distant of course), bike riding with the boyfriend to get beers, hanging with the two beagles and dreaming of my next DIY! Definitely miss going out, seeing friends, and being social like everyone else, but have found joy in other small daily life.  

2. What do you do for work?

I work at Starbucks in the Creative Studio as a Project Manager! I've been here for a year now and truly can say that it's my dream job and consider myself so lucky to be able to continue to do what I love, continue to learn and have the opportunity to work during such hard times. 

3. How have you been staying creative/inspired during a pandemic?

I think similar to a lot of people it's been hard. I picked up a new craft of making terrazzo trinket dishes, vases, etc. It's hard to not feel guilty for keeping up with certain projects, such as what I initially started in which was calligraphy for weddings, but I've learned to let it come & go in waves and to not force anything because that's when it becomes not fun and forced. 

 4. As a female, what are some of the biggest obstacles you have faced within your industry / the workplace?

Thankfully in my current role and company I feel really supported! I also am so appreciative that we have a large representation of women in leadership roles. Previously, I have experienced a wage gap in a job where my male coworker and I were hired at the same time and to do the same thing with the same amount of experience and he was making more than me. It was a male dominated company and being the only woman on the team, my pay was reflective of that as well which was really unfortunate. Also something I'm actively working on is my language and how I show up in email or in meetings; i.e. avoiding keywords such as "just checking in", "sorry", exclamation points etc. Trying to walk that fine line of being friendly but not apologizing for things I need to be able to do my job and projects forward. Definitely a work in progress.  

5. What women in your life inspire you and why?

My mom of course, the hardest working lady I know! She to, is always dreaming up new things to do and projects around the house. We're really similar in that way. And then of course, my friends. I look up to them all for one reason or another and am truly grateful for my ladies at work, my friends, my mom, and my friends that are moms. 

6. What advice would you give to women who want to pursue a new life direction -- whether that be moving to a new city, pursuing a new career path, starting a side hustle or choosing a new major in school?

I think finding someone that you look up to and asking them to chat is a really great first step! I've dreamt of working in the Creative Studio for over 6 years now and when I started I had informational interviews. back then and Prior to getting hired that helped me understand what I needed to do to get there. As far as side hustles, I think it can be crippling to get started. But I think just starting and learning as you go is the fun in all of it! With such a saturated industry, people love people that love what they do. 


7. How do you balance a job, personal life and passions? Is there such a thing as balance?

I think these hard times have taught us a lot about being grateful and finding happiness in the small things. Sometimes that's not doing anything creative at all and having a slow weekend instead. There's always been this inherit reward for being 'too busy', so I think finding a balance that makes you happy is what we should all strive for. And remembering that priorities can shift daily and that's okay.  

8. What are some ways you implement self-care?

Trying to listen to my body, both physically and mentally, and doing what feels good or brings me happiness! I think this past year we've all learned self-care is more important than ever and however that shows up, doing what is right for you is the right thing to do. 

9. What advice would you give to the next generation of female leaders, movers and shakers?

Be patient in finding what you love--it's like dating, right? You have to date a lot of bad ones to figure out what you want in a good relationship. Same thing goes for finding a side hustle or a job and figuring out your path to happiness. Continue to explore your interests, be patient and be willing to work hard for what you want.

10. How can women advocate for each other?

Showing up and supporting in the big and small ways. I think we also need to continuously work to be open, honest, and transparent with each other about our struggles, fears, goals, etc. Because that gives the women in your life the opportunity to show and support you in ways that you need and vice versa. There's room for everyone to succeed and someone else's accomplishments doesn't discredit your success and growth. 

11. What is your female anthem – the song that hypes you up and makes you feel like a girl boss and that you can take on anything in the world?

Girl Power & Confident B*tches playlist on Spotify has some really great get you hyped hits! 


Portrait illustrations are by Hailey Coral.
