WOMEN ARE MAGIC | Ribicca Mamuye


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1. Tell me a little bit about you, who is Ribicca outside of work?

At the moment, I am a travel enthusiast turned into a homebody. I am curious about a lot of things in the world and like to spend my time building my knowledge. I am a foodie at heart and enjoy recreating some of my favorite meals. I run a lifestyle blog called Amro Menor to document my journey. 


2. What do you do for work?

 I work as a digital designer in the tech industry. 

3. As a female, what are some of the biggest obstacles you have faced within your industry / the workplace or within the education system?

Representation would have to be one of the biggest obstacles. When I was younger, there were a number of things I talked myself out of because I didn’t see many women doing them and I didn’t think it could be achieved. It felt like I would be going against the grain by pursuing somethings. There are a lot of women that are qualified and able to do the things that men are able to do. It’s important that young girls grow up seeing themselves represented in leadership positions. 


4. What women in your life inspire you and why?

 My biggest inspiration comes from my mother. My enat (mom) is a trailblazer. She is the epitome of wisdom and patience. Although she didn’t have the necessary support, she was the first person in her family to go to school and achieve success through education. Growing up I watched my mom pave a way for women in male-dominated areas, whether it was in the workplace or the community.  I am forever indebted to the sacrifices she has made to ensure that I had the privileges she didn’t have as a child. She is my root, my foundation, my life coach, and a well of unconditional love. 

5. What advice would you give to women who want to pursue a new life direction -- whether that be moving to a new city, pursuing a new career path, starting a side hustle, or choosing a new major in school?

Stop getting in the way of yourself. You are more than capable of fulfilling all your goals and aspirations. Don’t allow fear and self-doubt to stand in the way. Don’t waste your time comparing yourself to the journeys of others. Your path is very specific to you. Everyone started somewhere, the key is to keep going. You are an expert on your life and don’t allow anyone to make you feel otherwise. And most importantly, protect your peace fiercely. 

6. How do you balance a job, personal life, and passions? Is there such a thing as balance?

Balance is tricky. I have learned to make achievable to-do lists to hold myself accountable and manage my time. I don’t always get it right and my health has suffered as a result of it. I have learned to be patient with myself and give myself some grace.


7. What are some ways you implement self-care?

Some ways I practice self-care is through setting boundaries, managing my financial stressors, regularly seeing my therapist, and intentionally setting aside some time to pray and meditate. I wrote a blog post about the multidimensional approach to manage my wellbeing for anyone interested in reading more.

8. What advice would you give to the next generation of female leaders, movers, and shakers?

Take a deep breath and trust your intuition. Take up space. Create inclusive tables that invite all women. 


9. What advice would you give to women trying to break into a male-dominated field or an industry where there aren’t as many female leaders?

Let adversity work in your favor. The road to shattering glass ceilings is a tough one but the challenge will make you resilient and prepare you to take on anything. 


10. How can women advocate for each other?

One of the things the women in my life have taught me is the importance of lifting as you climb. Once you open doors and get yourself through, remember to keep it open for the women behind you. 

11. What is your power color and why?

My power color is yellow. It gives me feelings of happiness and warmth. As the color of sunshine, It is a reminder that our light will always outshine the obstacles. 

12. What is your female anthem – the song that hypes you up and makes you feel like a girl boss and that you can take on anything in the world? 

It's hard to narrow this down, but it’s going to have to be something with Beyonce in it. As a Destiny’s Child fan, it’s a toss-up between Independent Women and Survivor.


Portrait illustrations are by Hailey Coral.
