WOMEN ARE MAGIC | Amanda Austin Haggerty


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1. Tell me a little bit about you, who is Amanda outside of work?

I have two modes outside of work. Mode one is slightly manic, rearranging furniture without thinking more than one step ahead or wrapping presents that I will ultimately forget to give people on time for the occasion that's 6 months away. Mode two: a bubble bath, wine/joint/both in hand, having bailed on any social plans.


2. What do you do for work?

National marketing and events for a commercial real estate firm (with a splash of custom gift giving, and occasional wedding coordination when friends or family bring me out of "coordination retirement").

3. How have you been staying creative/inspired during a pandemic?

Postcard writing/sending has been a good quick fix for a quick and rewarding project; texting my gal pals about whatever home improvement project one of us is working on, and then maintaining my status as a frequent flyer on Pinterest.


4. As a female, what are some of the biggest obstacles you have faced within your industry / the workplace?

Automatically thinking my gender made me lesser or the dumb one in a conversation. Especially being more junior in my industry and working with mainly male leadership, walking in with that assumption that what you're doing is less important can be really heavy and discouraging. Working in a non-revenue-generating role only reinforces that presumption, but finding those occasional reminders that my work does amount to revenue production (albeit indirectly) is super motivating for me.

5. What women in your life inspire you and why?

I feel super lucky to work closely with some amazing driven women in CRE. It's inspiring to see them approach the "male dominated" nature of our industry not as fact or status quo, but instead a mold that they've broken just by being in the seat they worked so hard to get to.

6. What advice would you give to women who want to pursue a new life direction -- whether that be moving to a new city, pursuing a new career path, starting a side hustle or choosing a new major in school?

Lean in with everything you have. 


7. How do you balance a job, personal life and passions? Is there such a thing as balance?

Short answer: I don't. Or, at least, I am not sure I do it well. But I think embracing imbalance was the most "grown up" thing I've ever done. I think "balance" is effectively a myth, or maybe it's a goal — a great goal, for sure, but not necessarily a reality (at least not for me). In thinking of the times I felt balanced, those instances almost always came moments right after a period of extreme imbalance or chaos.

8. What are some ways you implement self-care?

The "Mode Two" in my first answer: bubble bath but really take it the extra mile, i.e. candles lit, music or podcast queued up, face mask on, joint rolled, wine poured, cozy robe at the ready, etc. etc.


9. What advice would you give to the next generation of female leaders, movers and shakers?

Make allies and form relationships with the people who you want to lead, move and shake with! It's even more fun to move and shake when you're doing it alongside a team you respect, trust, and enjoy celebrating your wins with. And also: wear comfortable shoes and underwear. Those things matter.


10. What advice would you give to women trying to break into a male-dominated field or an industry where there aren’t as many female leaders?

I think it's worth mentioning all over again, and similar to the above: build and nurture the relationships with people in your organization (or in extracurricular organizations) who are involved in the aspects of your industry that excite you most. Most companies have some internal groups where these kinds of relationships are encouraged, so take advantage! Find a mentor! Whether that person identifies as your same gender or has a different gender identity, just start building! If it's another woman in your field, great; if it's a man in a male-dominated field, great, he has a different perspective than you do and has a whole different network you can tap into. Worst case scenario: you meet someone new and form a new connection. Best case scenario: that person can plug you into your next job (or promotion/raise). Win/win.

11. What is your power color and why?

Black. It's sleek and bossy and chic, very forgiving when worn at events, and doesn't often give other people much to comment on, and I think there's power in subtlety.

12. What is your female anthem – the song that hypes you up and makes you feel like a girl boss and that you can take on anything in the world? 

Let Me Go by Hailee Steinfield (and Alesso) was a driving-while-playing-loud-music-like-an-asshole-and-feeling-invincible tune of recent memory. Robyn and MØ were definitely on the playlist too.


Portrait illustrations are by Hailey Coral.
