WOMEN ARE MAGIC | Taylor Mikiska

Taylor Mikiska

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@taylormikiska | taylormikiska.com

1. Tell me a little bit about you, who is Taylor outside of work?

There's lots of overlap between me at work and not at work (especially working for myself!) but once I'm off the figurative clock, you can find me reading, watching loads of reality TV, or outside enjoying the California sunshine! I'm a big time morning person, and my morning coffee ritual is one of my most cherished parts of the day. Quarantine has had me really leaning into my home-body side, and I've been crafting up a storm lately. I'm a very tactile person and love working with my hands, so things like embroidery or knitting feel great to me. I also recently got a bike, which I haven't had since I was a little kid, and I've been obsessed with riding it around my neighborhood and taking it to the beach.

I think pre-quarantine, I was very into keeping myself busy busy busy. I would run all over LA not wanting to miss out on whatever cool new thing was happening, but I've discovered a whole bundle of things at home that feel really nurturing. Even though it's part of my work, I don't think I could describe myself without mentioning my magick practices. Reading Tarot, studying Astrology, and giving Reiki are things I do every day. I've spent so much of this last year in trainings, taking classes, and working to deepen these practices.

The balance is super important to me though, because as often as I pull tarot cards and meditate, I spend time having a beer with my boyfriend and binge watching Love Island. I love doing lots of different things and constantly feel the push pull between "niching down" and just doing all of the things I enjoy and having them take up equal space in my life. The biggest thing I know about myself is that my interests will keep changing and evolving as I grow. I don't believe in guilty pleasures and love looking back on all the different phases I've gone through all throughout my 20s.

2. What do you do for work?

I recently started my own business as a Tarot Reader, Astrologer, and Reiki Healer. Working for myself by myself has been such a trip, but I feel like i'm starting to get the hang of it! I offer one on one sessions, guide monthly Breathwork and Meditation classes, and also hold a monthly Tarot Workshop & Circle for people to learn from each other and practice together. 

3. As a female, what are some of the biggest obstacles you have faced within your industry / the workplace or within the education system? 

I don't think the obstacles I face are strictly because I'm a woman, and the thing that's coming to mind is something I'm sure all people who work in a "woo" kind of space deal with. Tarot and Reiki especially are not super tangible for some people, which can lead to a lot of invalidation or people feeling like I need to "prove it's real" before they're willing to compensate me for my services. Or conversely, if people have paid for a session, they'll feel entitled to additional guidance outside of our session. I'm always down to talk Tarot, Astrology, or Reiki, but if someone's nudging me to go through all of the placements in their chart, or asking me to pull cards for specific situations at random times, that doesn't feel great. I think across all industries, women are asked more often to put in additional emotional or energetic labor, and to be nice about it. Creating boundaries around those types of interactions is definitely something I'm working on!

 4. How have you been staying creative/inspired during a pandemic?

I lost my job as a yoga studio manager pretty early on in the pandemic, and it's wild to think that this time last year I was working sometimes 70-80 hours a week doing everything from cleaning mats to planning studio events. I definitely miss the in person community experience so much, but at the same time, I hadn't realized how much of my creativity I was giving to my job until I wasn't doing it anymore. It was the first time I hadn't had a job since I was 15, and I found myself anxious to make use of my time. I realized pretty quickly though that feeling "productive" didn't always leave me feeling fulfilled, and I still wrestle over engaging with my creativity for the pure joy of it and not always to have some kind of finished product.

Some days I feel totally filled to the brim with creative ideas, and on those days I write blog posts, create graphics for upcoming classes, and make videos for instagram, which I had always been too scared to do prior to the pandemic. I started a podcast (and ended it), re-worked my website, and started a newsletter. I've also taken tons of classes during the pandemic. Everything from an eight week breathwork and meditation program, to a watercolor painting class.

I mentioned earlier that I love crafting, and throughout the pandemic I've gone through so many craft projects! I saw Bri of Designlovefest mention that she started budgeting for art supplies every month, and I thought that was brilliant and started doing it too. This month I've been really into using oil pastels. Coloring with them reminded me of being in a grade school art class, and I love the way you can just blend the colors together using your fingers. I find tons of inspiration on instagram and Pinterest. I follow tons of interior design accounts, makeup artists, and visual artists. I don't always have the healthiest relationship with social media, but I love seeing the different ways people create in that space. 

5. What women in your life inspire you and why?

I want to say all of them honestly! My younger sisters are hugely inspirational to me, they're 13 and 14, and they always crack me up. They both very much march to the beat of their own drummers and aren't afraid to be weird or gross. I feel like talking to them always helps me get outside of my little "what's cool" bubble.

I'm also super inspired by my mom. She wears about a million hats and works harder than anyone I know. She encourages me to try anything I'm into even when it's not practical, and always has, which I'm super grateful for. I'm inspired by my boyfriend's mom too. She's super creative. She's in a competitive Salsa dancing group, and has been taking writing classes and working on a memoir. I'm so inspired by all of my friends too. There are too many to name, but every one of them is an inspiration to me! I've also been really fortunate to be inspired by a lot of the people I work with and read for.

I feel like women just doing anything at all, being themselves, being messy, being put together, embracing all of the pieces of themselves. That's super inspiring to me.

6. What advice would you give to women who want to pursue a new life direction -- whether that be moving to a new city, pursuing a new career path, starting a side hustle or choosing a new major in school?

 Go for it! It's never too late or too early to start over or change your mind, and it's okay to walk away from something if you take a big leap and it doesn't work out how you thought it would. I've stayed in so many situations well after I knew they weren't for me, and knowing that it's okay to walk away has been a big lesson. The future isn't set in stone, so you might as well try out whatever the present is presenting to you! Also, if someone says, "Let me know if you need anything." don't be afraid to take them up on it! Some of my best connections have come from reaching out when I needed help, even if I wasn't super close with that person at the time.


7. What are some ways you implement self-care?

My love language is quality time, and I make it a priority to have quality time with myself every day. It's usually the same time every day, and I mentioned it earlier, but waking up early and making coffee is truly sacred to me. I live with my boyfriend, and with both of us working from home together for the last year, having that time alone in the morning has become even more important to me. I wake up around 6, put the water on to boil, I measure and grind the beans, and go through the process of making coffee pour over style in my chemex. Mostly I just spend the time taking intentional breaths and noticing the light change in my apartment while the sun rises. Sometimes I journal and pull tarot cards, and sometimes I scroll Instagram. I don't have any hard rules around it, but I absolutely adore my morning alone time.

8. What advice would you give to the next generation of female leaders, movers and shakers?

 I just want them to know that they're all brilliant already. Everything you create and dream of is worthy of taking up space in this world. Ask for support when you need it, and support each other when and where you can. Keep going, keep creating and releasing. Enjoy the process, and give yourself grace for the various seasons you're moving through. I'm wrapping this next generation of female leaders, movers, and shakers with so much love and encouragement! You've got this!


9. How can women advocate for each other?

 The power of sharing is so real! Sharing each other's work, sharing each other's projects, and referring friends to people you've loved working with or are inspired by. I also think speaking up in the moment when someone isn't being treated well, or you notice something inappropriate happening, is really important. It might feel sticky, or the words might not come out perfectly, but standing up for the women you're surrounded by in real time matters. I also think it's important to know that you aren't going to be for everyone. If I'm consulting with someone that might be a better fit with another reader, I have a whole list of amazing readers and healers that I'm excited to refer people to. 


10. What is your power color and why?

 My power color is RED. Like bright cherry popsicle red. It's bold, sexy, and a little loud and that's how it makes me feel. I love the way it pops wherever it is. I actually don't wear it very often, but whenever I do, I feel fiery.

11. What is your female anthem – the song that hypes you up and makes you feel like a girl boss and that you can take on anything in the world?

"Infinity Guitars" by Sleigh Bells. It's a whole wild, intense, rock n roll vibe, but I LOVE it. It has this big build up and crashy drums, and feels a little chaotic, but I've always felt so cool when I'm listening to it. Everytime I put it on it's like the world becomes a runway and I'm just stomping around, being my coolest self. 


Portrait illustrations are by Hailey Coral.
