WOMEN ARE MAGIC | Karissa Nickish


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1. Tell me a little bit about you, who is Karissa outside of work and school?

Up early, always. Dedicated to my morning routine, no matter what day of the week. Always running fashionably late…usually because something beautiful caught my eye and a photoshoot was necessary. Eternally in the middle of 100 different creative projects, life is more fun that way! Love catching up with friends and exploring new coffee shops, even though my order is the same no matter where I go. And ultimately, I am always trying to find the beauty in any situation, and celebrate the little things right in front of me. 


2. You recently stepped away from grad school, what empowered you to make that decision?

Each time I get asked this question, it comes out a little different. But the common thread among all iterations of my answers is the realization that I was made for more than this. Deep within us, we all have a desire to fulfill our ultimate calling. Me sitting in a classroom for two more years didn’t do that. That makes the choice sound simple (it wasn’t) and walking away from easy (it wasn’t) but the desire to do what I was created for, instead of denying it, finally won the fight. So I changed course! And only have cried 100 times since.


3. As a female, what are some of the biggest obstacles you have faced within your industry / the workplace or within the education system?

Truthfully, the main obstacle I’ve faced is myself. For years, self-doubt destroyed me and was the death of so many dreams. Whether it came from internalized societal messages or the fact that I’m a human (or both) is beyond me. As a result, I’ve learned that every day I have to remind myself that there is a seat at the big kid table for me, even if I still order off the kid's menu.

4. What women in your life inspire you and why?

So many. My mom, for not getting embarrassed by me taking photos of my American girl dolls everywhere when I was younger and letting my creativity run wild. Dani and Jessa, who are amazing creative women but also incredible mothers, wives, and friends. They remind me you can do it all, and it doesn’t have to be perfect. One more? Michelle Obama. No explanation is needed.

5. What advice would you give to women who want to pursue a new life direction -- whether that be moving to a new city, pursuing a new career path, starting a side hustle or choosing a new major in school?

Do it. Know that sometimes you will feel funny inside, saying yes to one thing leads to an inevitable hundred no’s to other things. But that doesn’t make the yes any less worth it, the cross country moves any less right or the career change any less imperative. You know what is best, so do it. 

6. How do you balance a job, personal life and passions? Is there such a thing as balance?

Balance is such an elusive concept. You can’t balance everything equally in every season of life. Your focus has to shift, depending on where you are and what you’re doing. Some seasons are balanced around work, or working out, or building friendships. It just depends. Is balance possible? Yes. Does how it plays out look different daily? Yes. 


7. What are some ways you implement self-care?

To me, self-care is a mix of hard and happy things. The hard things that I avoid the longest are the things I need to do most. Self-care is calling that doctor, scheduling that meeting, having that hard conversation. Self-care is putting myself out of the misery of whatever fear I’m avoiding and doing it. Self-care is also happy things, like longggg showers where I pretend my landlord pays my water bill, or baking cookies just because it’s a Tuesday and I feel like it. 

8. What advice would you give to the next generation of female leaders, movers and shakers?

-There is room for you. Believe it!

-Don’t live life offended.

-To see if you really love something, see if you do it when no one is looking.

-Don’t compare your timeline to anyone else. Yours isn’t better, there’s isn’t worse. There’s isn’t better, yours isn’t worse. They’re all just different and that’s the truth. 


9. How can women advocate for each other?

Truthfully, I think how we speak about other women behind their backs says a lot about who we are. Gossiping is soooo easy (I’m 1000% guilty. Working on this with you!) but does nothing but tear women down, to us and others. A way we can help other women out is to speak out love and truth all the time, or say nothing at all. 


10. What is your power color and why?

Pink is my favorite color, but black is my power color. Why? Because I can be both. Sensitive, and Strong. Compassionate, and know when to cuss. Pink because it reminds me of joy and lightness. And black because it makes the pink that much brighter. 

11. What is your female anthem – the song that hypes you up and makes you feel like a girl boss and that you can take on anything in the world? 

Sugar by Maroon 5 will always be my song. No deep theological reason. I loved it the first time I heard it back in high school, and I still smile the same every time it plays.


Portrait illustrations are by Hailey Coral.
